Ermelo is a town located in the province Gelderland in The Netherlands. The Emmanuel Church (Immanuelkerk) was built in 1899 and later expanded with a tower in 1921-1922. It hosts a magnificent organ, built by famous Dutch organbuilder Reil in 1981. Its conception was heavily based on the organ of the Hervormde Kerk in Tzum, which was built by 1763-1764 by Albertus Anthoni Hinsz.
The stoplist of the organ of Ermelo is almost the same as its Tzum counterpart, with the exception of the pedal division. The original organ pedal keyboard has no stops, so it only couples manuals. In Ermelo, the pedal division was created with 5 stops assigned to it. Klaas Bolt, a well-known Dutch organist, was the advisor for the organ building project.
The sample set introduced a few small changes. The original tremulant affects the whole organ, however this behaviour can be changed in the Simple Jamb tab and chosen divisions can be disabled from the tremulant. One coupler was added (Rugwerk / Pedaal) and it is also available from the Simple Jamb tab. The keyboard compasses were slightly extended: the manuals from the C-f3 (C2-F6) to C-a3 (C2-A6) and the pedal from C-d1 (C2-D4) to C-f1 (C2-F4).
Listening perspectives
Using this audio player you can listen to different audio channels the sample set is made of.
Use the sliders corresponding for each audio group to modify its volume.
Technical details
Choose which version you want to order. If you want to try the demo first, use the Add to cart button close to Demo version label and proceed to the checkout to get the download link. The only limitation of demo versions is the number of available stops. Click Show demo version button under the stoplist to see the available stops.
Last update: 17th July 2021
Full version 1.02 Demo version 1.02
Release notes:
1.02 - Added "Link Bas to Discant" feature (in the Settings tab). With it enabled, enabling or disabling bass part of the stop does the same thing with the discant part (concerns Mixtuur III-IV sterk, Trompet 8 voet, Vox Humana 8 voet)
1.01 - Fixed two faulty notes. Fixed the main console screen, so it isn't slightly cut from the left side anymore.