St. Lambertus
The 76 stop, 4 manual, modern organ in French romantic style,
built by Rieger in 1999/2004
built by Rieger in 1999/2004
The 56 (extended to 57) stop, 3 manual,
neo baroque organ, built by Schuke in 1977
neo baroque organ, built by Schuke in 1977

On this website you will find the pipe organ sample sets which allow you to play sampled instruments (their approximations) at home. To do that you need appropriate software. All of my sample sets are available for Hauptwerk pipe organ sampler. Some of them are also available for GrandOrgue software. Right after having the software you need a sample set – that is what I offer on this website. Finally, you need to connect MIDI keyboard(s) or console to your computer and enjoy playing.
So far most of my sample sets are free so I will be grateful for any donations for the work I’ve done. I hope you will enjoy playing these virtual instruments!
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