The harmonium is located in Diecezjalna Szkoła Muzyczna (Diocesan School of Music) in Gliwice (ger. Gleiwitz), Poland. It was made by the Emil Müller company from Werdau. It was recently restored by Stanisław Pielczyk.
The real harmonium has four stops: one in the pedal (always on), two in the first manual, and one in the second manual. The manual stops have a bass/discant split in the middle. Each division has its own “enclosure”. The reeds are located in small chambers, which can be opened using the corresponding “Forte” switches. The wind is supplied by the blower.
A few modifications were added to make the sample set more versatile. The pedal stop can now be turned off. Pedal couplers were added, as they were missing in the original. Both manuals received superoctave couplers. To enable playing with only one keyboard, a “Bass Koppel” was added, which plays the lowest note from the first manual in the pedal. A celeste stop, Vox Jubilante, was added to the second manual (starting from f (F3)). The final modification was the introduction of an expression pedal for the entire harmonium. Its percentage value is displayed on the console screen. This allows for smooth dynamic transitions. With some skill, it can also emulate pressure changes that occur when manually pumping.
The keyboard compass was extended: in the pedal, from C-d1 (C2-D4) to C-f1 (C2-F4), and in the manuals, from C-f3 (C2-F6) to C-c4 (C2-C7). The “Link Bass with Discant” option in the Settings tab allows the corresponding discant stop to be enabled automatically when the bass stop is activated.
Listening perspectives
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