Landau, St. Maria
Stadtpfarrkirche St. Maria in Landau in der Pfalz, Germany
Built by
G.F. Steinmeyer & Co. (1924)

Landau is a small city in the Rheinland-Pfalz region in south-west Germany, close to the French border. The beautiful church of St. Maria (Saint Mary) was built in 1911 in Neo-Romanesque/Neo-Gothic style.

The organ was built in 1924 by Steinmeyer company from Oettingen in Bayern. It has 72 stops distributed between 3 manuals and pedal. The second and third manuals are enclosed. In the 1950s it was modified, to make it more modern, neo-baroque in sound. Unfortunately, this resulted in heavy modifications of the original concept. Even the casing was removed, to give the organ a more modern look. Thankfully, a restoration endeavour from 2010 to 2012, masterfully undertaken by Romanus Seifert & Sohn from Kevelaer (the same company, which built the organ in Goch), restored the organ to its original state. The meticulous work included the recreation of the console, the restoration of the façade, and the careful renovation of the pipework. From the original 4500 pipes, 3500 were preserved. Missing pipes were recreated using the existing pipework and old documents as reference. Everything was wonderfully voiced, resulting in a harmonious, thoughtful, coherent sound.

In the second manual there is a separate small Echo subdivision with a separate enclosure and tremulant, consisting of only two stops: Vox humana 8′ and Echobordun 8′. Perhaps influenced by its proximity to France, it’s a rarity for this organ builder to include two reeds choruses (16′, 8′, 4′) – one in the 1st manual and another in the 3rd.

The second and third manual divisions feature an added octave for the super octave couplers, except for the higher pitched stops.

The pipe delays feature of the sample set (found in the Settings tab) adds delay only to the reed ranks, as the flue ones already have a rather slow speech – characteristic for organs from this era. The real console has a rather unique feature: when using the crescendo pedal, it activates the stop tabs directly, rather than operating in the background. While probably not feasible in the original console, modern recreation technology has made it possible. This behavior can be replicated in the sample set by enabling Show crescendo changes option in the Settings tab.

Manuals compass was extended to 61 keys C-c4 (C2-C7), pedals to 32 keys C-g1 (C2-G4).

This instrument and its pendant, the organ of Corpus Christi church in Berlin (1925) are to be appreciated as the smaller sisters of the world famous organ of Passau Cathedral, which was built between 1924 and 1928. At that time the biggest church organ in the world with 208 stops.

Manual IGroßprinzipal 16′
Bordun 16′
Prinzipal 8′
Viola di Gamba 8′
Gemshorn 8′
Gedeckt 8′
Zartflöte 8′
Tibia 8′
Oktave 4′
Salizet 4′
Rohrflöte 4′
Superoktave 2′
Terzian 3 1/5′
Quinte 2 2/3′
Mixtur IV 1 1/3′
Cymbel III 1′
Tuba 16′
Trompete 8′ 1
Clarine 4′

Manual-Koppel II-I
Manual-Koppel III-I
Suboktav-Koppel II-I
Superoktav-Koppel II-I
Suboktav-Koppel III-I
Superoktav-Koppel III-I
Manual II Nachthorn 16′
Geigenprinzipal 8′
Salizional 8′
Unda maris 8′
Dolce 8′
Quintatön 8′
Konzertflöte 8′
Fugara 4′
Soloflöte 4′
Flautino 2′
Nasard 2 2/3′
Mixtur III 2′
Clarinette 8′

Echobordun 8′
Vox humana 8′

Tremulo Echo

Manual-Koppel III-II
Suboktav-Koppel III-II
Superoktav-Koppel III-II
Suboktav-Koppel II
Superoktav-Koppel II
Manual III Großgedeckt 16′
Hornprinzipal 8′
Viola alta 8′
Aeoline 8′
Vox coelestis 8′
Lieblichgedeckt 8′
Spitzflöte 8′
Jubalflöte 8′
Prestant 4′
Violine 4′
Gemshorn 4′
Traversflöte 4′
Piccolo 2′
Spitzquinte 2 2/3′
Terzflöte 1 3/5′
Septime 1 1/7′
Großmixtur V 2 2/3′
Larigot II 2′
Basson 16′
Tuba mirabilis 8′
Oboe 8′
Trompete 4′


Suboktav-Koppel III
Superoktav-Koppel III
PedalPrinzipalbaß 16′
Violonbaß 16′
Harmonikabaß 16′
Subbaß 16′
Zartbaß 16′ 2
Oktavbaß 8′
Gedecktbaß 8′ 3
Violoncello 8′
Choralbaß 4′
Waldflöte 2′
Kornettbaß IV 3 1/5′
Quintbaß 10 2/3′
Kontraposaune 32′ 4
Bombarde 16′
Trompetenbass 8′
Bassklarine 4′

Pedal-Koppel I
Pedal-Koppel II
Pedal-Koppel III
Superoktav-Koppel III-P
1 extension of I Tuba 16'
2 borrowed from II Nachthorn 16'
3 borrowed from II Echobordun 8'
4 extension of P Bombarde 16'

Listening perspectives

Using this audio player you can listen to different audio channels the sample set is made of.
Use the sliders corresponding for each audio group to modify its volume.



Technical details

Sample rate 48 kHz
Bit resolution 24 bit
Channel count 6 (3 × Stereo)
Tremulant model sampled
Compatible software Hauptwerk v. 4.2 or higher
Memory requirements
24 bit, 6 channels 69 GB
24 bit, 6 channels without sampled tremulants 49 GB
16 bit, 6 channels 37 GB
16 bit, 6 channels without sampled tremulants 27 GB
24 bit, 2 channels 26 GB
24 bit, 2 channels without sampled tremulants 19 GB
16 bit, 2 channels 13 GB
16 bit, 2 channels without sampled tremulants 11 GB
Please note, that these values mean how much of free RAM you need to run the sample set. Usually you should add to them around 3-6 GB to see how much total RAM you should have installed on your computer. The values were given for Loseless compression setting turned on. Please note that this doesn't refer to free disk space.
For multichannel sample sets, the requirements for not all channels loaded are only approximated. Closer audio groups (close, front) have slightly lower requirements than further ones (middle, rear), so it depends which audio groups you will choose to load.
This sample set allows for disabling tremmed ranks (ranks sampled with a tremulant engaged) from loading. If you don't want to load these ranks, disable ranks with tremmed in its name from loading.

Video: How to load only selected audio groups


Choose which version you want to order. If you want to try the demo first, use the Add to cart button close to Demo version label and proceed to the checkout to get the download link. The only limitation of demo versions is the number of available stops. Click Show demo version button under the stoplist to see the available stops.

Full version

459 €
Demo version


Please note that these prices don't include taxes. The correct VAT rate for your order is calculated inside the cart after you provide the information about your country.
If you want to order multiple licenses, after adding to cart you can change quantities in the Cart page.


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