Parish church in Azzio, Italy
Built by
Mascioni (2016)

Azzio’s Convent Church marks a significant piece of Valcuvia’s valley history (province of Varese). And to Mascioni, a greater one still: the company was born right here. Thanks to generous donations the church has been totally restored,  and now a new organ can again complete its artistic and musical life, too. Of two manuals and pedals, it’s a seventeenth-century Italian ripieno in the truest sense within a case to match. Drawn up by Maestro Lorenzo Ghielmi, the specification puts 17th century Baroque music as a target, notably the works of Bach, a musically spiritual leader if there ever was. Technically, a two manual suspended key action with a delicious responsive and light touch gives to the organist a perfect control. The very low wind pressure (47 mm in water column) together with a particular way of voicing (low mouth of the pipes and no nicks) gives to the sound a particularly richness in harmonics and we can say this instrument has resulted to be very inspiring and rich of soul.

The Sesquialtera stop has two variants: with only first rank engaged, which is the fifth, and with both ranks engaged. In Hauptwerk software clicking on the left side of its image engages only first rank (enables its middle position). Clicking on the right side engages both ranks. When using a console with stop switches, engaging first rank disengages both rank setting and vice versa.

The manuals’ compass is from C-d3 (C2-D6), pedal compass is from C-d1 (C2-D4). As in original instrument, tremolo affects all stops (except pedal stops, which haven’t been recorded with engaged tremulant).

Grande OrganoPrincipale 8'
Flauto camino 8'
Ottava 4'
Sesquialtera 2 file*
Ripieno 3-4 file

II / I
PositivoBordone 8'
Flauto conico 4'
Nazardo 3'
Quintadecima 2'
PedaleSubbasso 16'
Trombone 16'

I / Pedale
II / Pedale

* stop knob in the middle position engages only the first rank, which is the fifth

Technical details

Sample rate 48 kHz
Bit resolution 24 bit
Channel count 2 (Stereo)
Tremulant model sampled chromatically
Compatible software Hauptwerk v. 4.2 or higher
Memory requirements
24 bit, all release samples 4.6 GB
16 bit, all release samples 2.3 GB
Please note, that these values mean how much of free RAM you need to run the sample set. Usually you should add to them around 3-6 GB to see how much total RAM you should have installed on your computer. The values were given for Loseless compression setting turned on. Please note that this doesn't refer to free disk space.


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