St. Augustine's in Świętochłowice, Poland
Built by
Adolf Volkmann (1898)

The organ was built in 1898 probably by Adolf Volkmann from Gleiwitz (today it’s Polish city named Gliwice). He was father of Carl Volkmann, which continued his work. He built among other things an organ in Lędziny, St. Clement church.

The instrument is located in Świętochłowice in St. Augustine’s church in Lipiny district, which earlier was separate town – mainly focused on industry as most of the cities from Silesia region.

The organ was renovated in 2006-2008 by Mieczysław Klonowski from Katowice. Organ case with facade pipes has undergone extensive renovations by Mirosław Wszok from Gliwice.

The instrument has fully tracker action with slider chests. Pedal Coppel couples only first manual, no matter if Manual Coppel is engaged. This behaviour can be modified by extra switch added in sample set. The original keyboard compass is from C-d3 (C2-D6); pedal compass is from C-d1 (C2-D4), which was extended in sample set to respectively f3 (F6) and f1 (F4).

Manual IBordun 16 Fuß
Principal 8 Fuß
Viola di Gamba 8 Fuß
Gemshorn 8 Fuß
Doppelröhrflöte 8 Fuß
Octave 4 Fuß
Doppelröhrflöte 4 Fuß
Quinte 2 2/3 Fuß
Octave 2 Fuß
Cornett 3 Fach
Mixtur 4 Fach
Trompete 8' *

Manual Coppel
Calcanten Ruf
* free reed
Manual IIGeigen Principal 8 Fuß
Salicet 8 Fuß
Flaut Major 8 Fuß
Portunal Flaut 8 Fuß
Viol-Principal 4 Fuß
Portunal Flaut 4 Fuß
PedalPrincipalbaß 16 Fuß
Violonbaß 16 Fuß
Subbaß 16 Fuß
Octavbaß 8 Fuß
Flautbaß 8 Fuß
Octave 4 Fuß
Posaune 16 Fuß

Pedal Coppel

Technical details

Sample rate 48 kHz
Bit resolution 24 bit
Channel count 2 (Stereo)
Compatible software Hauptwerk v. 4.0 or higher
Memory requirements
24 bit, all release samples 6.4 GB
16 bit, all release samples 3.3 GB
Please note, that these values mean how much of free RAM you need to run the sample set. Usually you should add to them around 3-6 GB to see how much total RAM you should have installed on your computer. The values were given for Loseless compression setting turned on. Please note that this doesn't refer to free disk space.


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